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Monday, July 15, 2013

Dry Foam Carpet Cleaning

Dry Foam Carpet Cleaning

The dry foam procedure is mostly rather than dry as the name infers, although the content of moisture is so low that it can actually be referred to as dry foam (90% air - 10% liquid).  The dry foam machine is equipped with a pressure tank, which you will pour a solution of water and shampoo into. Dry Foam Carpet Cleaning

A compressor will work to convert the solution into foam which is then dispensed all over the carpet using a revolving cylindrical brush.  The brush will work to comb the foam through the piles of the carpet so that each individual fiber of the carpet is cleaned. 

To achieve success, you must make sure that the bubbles being produced are of uniformed size so the foam can complete the cleaning process before it is dispersed.  Once it has dried, the carpet is then thoroughly vacuumed to remove the dried crystals of dirt that have been left behind.  Dry Foam Carpet Cleaning

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Carpet Spot Removal

Carpet Spot Removal

Best tips for Carpet Spot Removal Step by step to remove Carpet Spot 
Anyone who has experience with carpet knows the types of accidents that can happen. Carpet is very common with most houses these days, making the risk for accidents and spills higher than ever. No matter what the spill may be, mud, blood, or milk – there are ways to clean everything.

At your local department store or grocery store, there are several products that you can pick up that will work great. The only problem with these products is the fact that they are normally very vague with how you should use them. Carpet Spot Removal

The first thing you should know is that if you have a red stain on your carpet, you shouldn't try to get this out yourself, but instead leave it to a pro. There are certain procedures and very effective methods that your local carpet cleaning company can do to save you from ruining your carpet.

Keep in mind that red is the toughest stain to get out. A professional carpet cleaner is the way to go, as he is properly trained and equipped to handle them. Carpet Spot Removal

For everything else, there is always an effective and cheap way to clean spots on both your carpet and the upholstery. If you are only buying the products that work for you, then you aren't paying much attention to the label or the technique in getting the stains out.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Best Carpet Cleaning Tips for your carpet

Carpet Cleaning Tip first Tip 

Best Carpet Cleaning Tips for your carpet

Make sure that you get a deep cleaning of the carpet as often as it is needed.  To achieve a clean carpet, you’ll need to have it cleaned by a professional or you’ll need to use a deep cleaning machine.  There are advantages and disadvantages to this method, although a thorough cleaning is needed every six months or so.

Carpet Cleaning Tip 2

Keep your eye out for spills and take care of them in a quick manner to keep your carpet clean.  Simply using water on a spill will help most of them.  If that doesn't work, simply expand your search.  You’ll find several products out there on the market that can help you get rid of spills quick.
The products range in use and can be helpful when matching them with the different types of spills.  You can also use a mixture of water and vinegar to help you keep stains out.  By taking immediate action you can prevent spills from becoming stains that leave you with a dirty and messy carpet.

Carpet Cleaning Tip 3

A clean carpet is a carpet that has been taken care of very well.  You should always take the time to vacuum your carpet often and make sure you do a good job.  This means going over the floor in several directions to allow the vacuum time to pick up alit can.  High quality vacuums are the best choice, as they get up the most debris.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

carpet cleaning tips

Although vacuum cleaning can remove a majority of the dry soil, it is also necessary to clean your carpet on a frequent basis to remove the oily, sticky soil that builds up in the pile as a result of odors and dirt that is tracked in from outside. 

If you can clean the carpet before it becomes too bad, the cleaning chore will be easier to do and a lot more successful.  There is a myth that is totally false, which states that cleaning the carpet before it is necessary will get it dirtier faster.  The carpet with the typical household should be cleaned every 12 - 18 months depending on the number of people living there and the amount of traffic that walks on the carpet.

The choice of the right vacuum is important as  well.  There are some vacuums that will leave  residues behind, which will promote re-soiling and basically defeat the whole purpose of household cleaning. 

Professional carpet cleaners It is in your best interest to use professional cleaners simply because their experience will enable them to do a much better job than you can do yourself. The equipment they use has more extraction power  than the units available to you, and the carpet will dry faster as well.  They know the cleaning agents to use, and they know the differences in carpet construction and fibers.
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